President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, is reluctant to comment o…

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작성자 Brandi 댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-08-22 16:57


According to Syaikhu, PKS must form a coalition with other political parties to endorse Anies-Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. "We will invite various other parties to support this pair," he said. However, Syaikhu admitted that there has been no communication with PDIP leadership regarding the Jakarta Pilkada so far. "Officially, I haven't (communicated with PDIP)," he said.

n1. TPS 02 Desa Tuladenggi, Kecamatan Telaga Biru, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Gorontalo
2. TPS 08 Tabona Sub-district, Ternate City, North Maluku
3. TPS 04 Desa Perkebunan Sungai Lala, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Riau
4. TPS 002, Tanjung Peranap Village, Tebing Tinggi Barat, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau
5. 2 polling stations in Dumai Barat, Riau
6. 2 polling stations in Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua
7. 2 polling stations in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan
8. TPS 12 Desa Pardomuan, Kabupaten Samosir, Sumatera Utara
9. 8 TPS in Kecamatan Simuk, Nias Selatan, Sumatera Utara
10. 2 TPS in Desa Kembang Sari, Kecamatan Maro Sebo Ulu, Batanghari, Jambi
11. TPS 01 Desa Tatakalai, Kecamatan Tinangkung Utara, Banggai Kepulauan, Sulawesi Tengah
12. TPS 14 Panjunan Sub-district, Lemahwungkuk District, Cirebon City, West Java
13. TPS 15 Desa Mentengsari, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat
14. Re-vote in electoral district 6, Gorontalo
15. Re-vote in electoral district Tarakan Tengah 1, North Kalimantan
16. Re-vote in a special location at a plantation company in Riau
17. PSU in Distrik Popugoba, Jayawijaya, Papua Pegunungan
18. Re-vote in Asotipo District, Jayawijaya, Highland Papua for Jayawijaya Regency DPRD electoral district 4
19. PSU in Distrik Asotipo, Jayawijaya, Papua Pegunungan for DPRD Kabupaten Jayawijaya electoral district 1
20. Re-vote in West Sumatra for DPR RI

041724800_1691600206-DSC05044.JPGAnies, who is currently abroad, shared his gratitude through a post on his personal Instagram page @aniesbaswedan on Wednesday. "I am currently traveling, so please allow me to share this recording to express my gratitude and appreciation for PKS's decision today as announced by Mr. PKS President," said Anies. Anies stated that he will communicate with PKS leaders to talk about further steps and follow-up actions for the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) once he returns to the homeland. "The same goes for the other party leaders. We have struggled together in Jakarta as well as at the national level with PKS, Insyaallah, we will continue to struggle together in the future," said Anies. Anies believes that besides PKB and PKS, other political parties (parties) will also support his run in the Jakarta Pilkada. He is determined to restore Jakarta to a developed city. "Alhamdulillah, after PKB and PKS, God willing, other parties will also fight together to return Jakarta to a modern city with happy citizens. Greetings to the entire PKS family," said Anies. It is known that Anies is currently on vacation in Spain when PKS formally announced his nomination for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. The moment in Spain was seen from Anies's social media post showing him visiting the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium in Madrid, the capital of Spain. Anies is scheduled to be abroad for two weeks.

nPreviously, the Timur Barat Research Center (TBRC) survey institute released its latest survey results on 'Measuring the Electoral Strength Map of Potential Candidates for Governor of Central Java in the 2024 Pilkada'

"One factor is electability, right, and the second is capability. That's clear. Sahroni may have capability, we are confident in that, he is a young man, but his electability for the Jakarta field needs to be carefully considered," said Paloh.

**PKS to Invite PDIP to Support Anies-Sohibul Iman Pair** Additionally, Syaikhu mentioned that PKS is also open to forming a coalition with PDIP to jointly nominate the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman pair in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. "Yes, it is very possible (a coalition with PDIP) if we invite other parties to endorse this pair," stated Syaikhu. However, Syaikhu admitted that he has not yet communicated with PDIP regarding the Jakarta Pilkada. "I haven't talked officially," he stated. Even so, Syaikhu emphasized that his party will first fight for the Anies and PKS internal cadre Sohibul Iman pair for the Jakarta Pilkada. "God willing, this (Anies-Sohibul Iman) is what we will fight for until registration at KPUD," said Syaikhu.

042359000_1530054268-002602500_1515661331-Illustrasi_Pilkada_2.jpgAdditionally, Syaikhu said his party also listened to various inputs from figures, clerics, habaib, interfaith leaders, religious leaders, intellectuals, and the people of DKI Jakarta. "The main considerations are candidates with good leadership experience in both executive and legislative branches, a proven track record, high credibility, capacity, and a high probability of winning," he said.

This salary increase for KPPS members reflects the government's attention to the election organizers who work diligently during the voting process. With better salaries, it is hoped that KPPS members can execute their duties more effectively. Additionally, the increase in KPPS salaries can be seen as the government's effort to improve the overall quality of election administration.

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