The General Election Commission (KPU) of Indonesia has announced the s…

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작성자 Bert 댓글 0건 조회 9회 작성일 24-08-04 00:12


093547000_1648464599-WhatsApp_Image_2022-03-28_at_16.40.46.jpegQuick count is an election result monitoring method carried out by counting a portion of the votes that have come in to predict the final election outcome. This method involves analyzing a sample of votes from various polling stations and extrapolating the results to predict the final outcome. Institutions conducting quick counts usually select random and representative samples to ensure accuracy. Some institutions use advanced statistical methods and modern technology, such as real-time monitoring through applications and specialized software, to conduct quick counts. They also perform real-time monitoring to obtain accurate and relevant results. The accuracy of the quick count method heavily depends on the representativeness and randomness of the samples taken. Additionally, the accuracy is influenced by the sophistication of the technology used to process the data quickly and accurately. Therefore, the quick count method can be considered relevant and accurate in predicting the final election results, although the official results from the General Election Commission (KPU) are the ultimate reference.

032764600_1674552805-Infografis_SQ_Harapan_Prabowo___Muhaimin_Pasca-Peresmian_Sekber_Gerindra-PKB.jpgSimilarly, political analyst from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Adi Prayitno, sees PKS's move to bring up the name Sohibul Iman as a political bargaining chip for anyone wanting to form a coalition in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. According to Adi, If you cherished this article and you simply would like to collect more info concerning nominal bahan kampanye pilkada 2024 menjadi rp 100 ribu generously visit our web site. PKS wants to increase its bargaining position because it is the winner of the 2024 legislative elections in Jakarta. Additionally, the solid voter base and constituency make PKS confident in proposing its own cadre. "In this context, PKS seems to be sending a strong signal to those wanting to form a coalition, including Anies Baswedan, that it is essential to include Sohibul Iman as a running mate," said Adi Prayitno to Liputan6.com on Monday, June 24, 2024. "Or, if Ridwan Kamil from KIM is interested in making PKS a coalition partner, then Sohibul Iman must be his running mate," Adi continued.

**Residents Prepare KK and E-KTP** "The results of the DP4 synchronization with the latest DPT voters are the basis for the coklit process, matching and research, which we will validate to see if the 8,315,669 voters' data is truly valid or not," he said. Furthermore, Fahmi hopes that residents can prepare several population documents to facilitate Pantarlih officers during the coklit process. Residents are requested to prepare their e-KTP and family card (Kartu Keluarga).

000126700_1718362606-Infografis_SQ_Menakar_Peluang_Duet_Anies_dan_Kaesang_di_Pilkada_Jakarta_2024.jpgMeanwhile, Esa Unggul University political communication analyst M. Jamiluddin Ritonga believes that in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, PKS will still form a coalition with the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the NasDem Party, which will likely nominate Anies Baswedan. Added to that, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), which is interested in proposing Anies in the Jakarta Pilkada. However, another possibility might occur if the deputy gubernatorial position for Anies is not given to PKS. It is predicted that PKS will cross over to the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), which will propose Ridwan Kamil. "PKS will hope to get the deputy gubernatorial position by joining KIM. If PKS is accepted by KIM, there is a possibility that Sohibul Iman will accompany Ridwan Kamil," said Jamil. "However, this possibility is very small if Kaesang Pangarep runs in the Jakarta Pilgub. KIM would certainly prefer Kaesang over Sohibul Iman as Ridwan Kamil's running mate," Jamil continued. If that happens, according to Jamil, PKB and NasDem might join PDIP to propose Anies as gubernatorial candidate, with the deputy gubernatorial candidate from PDIP. "In the Jakarta Pilgub, it seems that there will be a confrontation between two coalitions. The Change Coalition plus PDIP will propose Anies and a PDIP cadre, while KIM is more likely to nominate Ridwan Kamil-Kaesang," stated Jamil. "If this happens, PKS might end up empty-handed. PKS will have the possibility of not getting anything in the 2024 Jakarta Pilgub," said the former Dean of FIKIM IISIP Jakarta.

038823400_1707324074-Copy_of_WhatsApp_Image_2024-02-03_at_15.33.30-2.jpeg5. Vote Recapitulation
The provisional results from each TPS were then summed up and recapitulated at the district, city, and provincial levels. This process was conducted by the KPU (General Election Commission) to produce the final election results for the governor and deputy governor.

They are an ad hoc body with the main task of conducting voter data matching and research (coklit). This body is formed by the PPS and is responsible for ensuring that the voter list is current and accurate. [readmore:Read More](5497822 5517909 5517023) One of Pantarlih's primary duties is to conduct voter data verification in accordance with Model A Voter List or based on data from the General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum). They do this by visiting voters directly from house to house, ensuring that the information they have about the voters is correct and up to date. The results of the candidate selection for Pantarlih for the 2024 Pilkada were just announced on June 21, 2024, with the names of those who passed the selection set to be determined on June 23, 2024. After being determined, the selected Pantarlih candidates will undergo their official inauguration. The main duty of Pantarlih after the inauguration is to carry out their functions with full responsibility, ensuring that the voter data update process runs smoothly and accurately for the success of the 2024 Pilkada. Here is a further review of Pantarlih's duties and salary as compiled by Liputan6.com from the bawaslu.go.id website, Tuesday (June 25, 2024). [vidio:VIDEO: Jakarta Pilkada and East Java Gubernatorial Election Candidate Market 2024](https://www.vidio.com/watch/8222090-liputan6-update-persaingan-sengit-bursa-cagub-jakarta-dan-jatim)


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